
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Our sweet Thomas turns 6 on Tuesday. To say he's excited is an understatement. Just to record a few things about him....He's in kindergarten and doesn't like P.E. days b/c he can't wear his boots. (He actually loves P.E. activities). His best friends in school are Kenneth and Harley...and "Kayci is real nice too." Why? Because Kenneth and Harley wear boots and Kayci admires boots. His favorite food is still mac-n-cheese and he still won't eat hotdogs and pizza. He watches Roy Rogers movies and dresses up to act out the scenes---cowboy hat, gloves, scarf, six shooter, and yes BOOTS. He loves toy guns and camouflage and often stalks bad guys...aka Tuckie. The John Deere combine is still his favorite machine yet he wants to be Luke Duke when he grows up. He's generous and kind but boy can he ARGUE! He is self-assured yet a little shy. We're very proud of him and can't wait to see "who" he is this time next year!