
Friday, May 28, 2010

Switching gears...

For 3+ years I've kept Thomas's caringbridge site updated. His website was a much-needed communication tool while in Bogota; I appreciate the service that great site provides for families in special situations. I suppose now that I have two little Clinton boys, it will be easier to just use a blog to share special stories and photos. Thanks to all of you who still want to occasionally check in on the boys! I hope you'll just bookmark our page. :)

Tucker turned 6 weeks old today. He is doing well although he still is working on that schedule. Oh well, at least he's even cute at 3:00 a.m. haha! Thomas is doing better with his role as big brother. This morning he wanted his breakfast and I told him I could only cook if he would feed Tucker a bottle. Thomas said, "Sure! I just need a burp cloth." He's learning......

The other day Thomas requested a glass of lemonade. Matt told Tom he had to make the "l" sound to get what he wanted. After about 5 minutes of frustrating speech therapy, Thomas looked at his dad and said, "I'll just take chocolate milk."