
Thursday, March 31, 2011

So how can these pictures have all been taken in the same week? Answer: highs in the 80's to highs in the 40's. Crazy spring weather! On a funny note, it was lightning the other day and Thomas IMMEDIATELY said, "Mom! Does the toilet work?" Little country boy....he's caught on that storms might cause power outages which = trouble.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tuckie hit the big 11 months today. Let's see....he now has 5 teeth, can crawl like the wind, is cruising, and is making 4 animal sounds SOMETIMES when asked! He still won't eat fruit and veggies. :( I really do try though!

Thomas has been extra interested in the Japan disaster. I told him to stop worrying because we live too far from the ocean for a tsunami to hit us. With his big eyes wide, he said, "Mom! I'm not worried about a wave, I'm worried about the people in Japan!" So sweet. He's also asked this week if Japan has missionaries who can tell people about Jesus, and he wanted to know if God has lungs?!

Included in the photos is a picture of my cute nephew, the boys helping their dad, and the results of Thomas's fishing trip. He ate what he caught!