Isaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Merry Christmas from Thomas and Tucker!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
The flu. BOO. We were supposed to go to the beach for Thanksgiving to visit Matt's grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Poor ole Thomas, who had been BEYOND excited, got sick Tuesday night. Since the flu test actually came back negative, we decided to head to our hotel. It didn't take long to realize the test had been wrong! 105 degree fever is no fun! However, Thomas was a trooper and barely complained about sitting in a hotel room instead of exploring Myrtle Beach and visiting family. On Saturday, his fever finally broke and he was blessed with a sunny, warm day by the ocean. Those few hours made the trip worth it! Tucker now has the awful bug, but we were lucky to have it hit AFTER we got home. He's suffering too (LOTS of screaming) but hopefully he'll follow Thomas and recover in four days or so. Although it was a hard Thanksgiving in a lot of ways, we are grateful for our two little boys whether sick or well!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Our precious Thomas turned FIVE today. Wow, time has flown. Based on the pictures, I guess everyone can tell Thomas hasn't changed much since his 1st birthday! He still loves equipment, playing outside, and of course his sweet cousins and baby brother! He knows he is blessed..."Mom, these people spend money to buy me gifts because they love me." Yep! Glad he's figured that part out already.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
So Tucker was pulling this little clown trick and both he and brother found it TOO funny....until I starting filming and Tucker really DID get a lick on his head. Don't worry...he wasn't hurt a bit and laughed when he watched it on the computer.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Just a few photos from the last month. The first photo is of the boys and their great uncle Rick Jones (Nana Clinton's brother). There's a shot of Thomas doing his homework (which he LOVES to do...wish this feeling would last the next 14 years). Friday nights are often popcorn and movie nights. Tucker can eat his weight in popcorn, just like Big Brother. We also had some birthday fun with Nana, Homecoming at church, and a super cute picture of cousin Mac in an outfit he was OH so proud of. Sweet!
Friday, August 26, 2011
Week One of Thomas's school year is complete. Somehow, he made it all three days. Can we do five in a row? Not sure. ha! Tucker came down with not only Thomas's cold, but also a nasty stomach virus and cut a new tooth. He has slept very little since Wednesday. Needless to say we all need some rest this weekend. Thomas is feeling much better (although tired) and Tucker did eat his first real food in 2 days...thank goodness he's ADDICTED to animal cookies. Can't resist them.
Thomas hasn't said too much about school, but has said he likes it fine. He'll tell us the most at random the fact that he has a tall friend, but hasn't thought to ask his name yet. The tall friend did not sit with him on the bus today....a GIRL did instead. Hum. He claims he forgot her name. Yeah right. He likes his music teacher and in art he PAINTED but only with red. I asked him if he'd please drop out of school and stay home with me again and he answered, "But Mom, I've GOT to learn. I'm not a daddy yet." I THINK he uses daddy as a term for adult, but maybe he thinks daddy's are brainless. Matt was concerned over which way to interpret the remarks. :)
I uploaded a few photos from the last few weeks of summer.