
Friday, July 30, 2010

FUN WEEK! Thomas got to go to Tweetsie Railroad in Blowing Rock. He demanded to wear the same outfit he sported last year (yes, it's tight!), ride the same rides, and eat the same food. His comment when we got in the car to go home....."When we goin' next year?!"

Tucker is driving us nuts. He is flipping onto his back and then giving us this look like "Why did YOU flip me?" He cries until I flip him back to his belly.

Tuckie met Aunt Julie today. He gave her lots of smiles. I guess he's heard she's always up for having fun. :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Three months to go. Until the big party. Aside from planning his party menu, Thomas has begun to make a LONG list of possible gifts he'd enjoy receiving. He'll ask, I'll say "maybe so" and he'll skip away on cloud 9. Oh to be little again! Thomas is VERY detailed oriented. This past week he asked me to draw a picture of him. He asked that I add the hair on his legs and TWO shiners (he has been so proud of the black eye he got from a fall, that he wanted 2 on his portrait). I also asked him to practice writing his letters, but after about 2 minutes he said he'd rather draw ocean waves. Hum.

In the photos posted, the picture of Tucker in the blue and yellow suit is special. It's the first time he's been big enough to wear one of Thomas's hand-me-downs. It's the same outfit Thomas wore the day we met him in Bogotá. We came back to the hotel after we were presented with him, and his daddy DEMANDED I take off Thomas's dress clothes and get him in something comfortable. haha! It's hard to get a Clinton boy to stay dressed up!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Tucker turns 3 months old today! A little update on him....he's doing just fine! He sleeps through the night (usually) and is starting to get into a nice napping routine.....even with Tomcat screeching through the house. :) Tuck's hobbies include Tomcat watching, EATING, and being outside.

Thomas is doing well too. He discovered the summer joy of collecting lightning bugs. The only problem is that he can NOT remember what they're called. It took me awhile to figure out that "fire bees" and "light bulbs" are Tom's nicknames for lightning bugs.